Friday, December 26, 2008
Alden, our last child at home, Shane and I, and our neighbor Ken were also here. We put Derek on speakerphone and called our daughter in southern Utah on the cell phone. We also recorded the call so we could listen to it again. We spoke for a little over an hour. It was wonderful to hear his voice and know that he is well. We talked about the jungle and the people in Peru. We talked about his pension and the baby monkey that they have. He told us about his experiences there. He talked about his learning of the scriptures and that he enjoys studying and wishes he had studied more at home. He bore is testimony is Spanish. It was a wonderful call and very difficult to say goodbye.
This is Derek's 6 MONTH Anniversary!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Twas the Week Before Christmas and Packages Arrived.....December 22, 2008
Tuesday we had a district meeting and then had a dentist appointment. They drilled two cavities and only filled one so Elder Torrejon has a hole in one of his teeth and has a hard time eating. I took out 100 soles from the ATM because we have run out of money paying for the dentist. It was easy to use the ATM. It took about 33 dollars out of my account.
Wednesday we had another work visit and I went to a different area and we taught a crazy guy that said he is like a mirror, when he prays for himself he doesn’t receive but when he prays for others they always receive. It was funny, he said that God didn’t give him gifts and then later he said that being a mirror was his gift. It was weird.
Thursday we had a dentist appointment and we don’t have to go back again. All is well. We had a work visit from one of the assistants to the president. One of our contacts we made today wanted to speak to me in English. He is from Toronto Canada and spoke very good English. It was hard for me to speak English, for some reason my brain wanted to speak in Spanish. I would start the sentence in Spanish and end it in English. After that we had a few lessons it was time to end the day so we took the assistant to the hotel and there I received my packages and letters. I felt so loved! We opened them as soon as I got home and had time.
Saturday we had a few lessons planned and then we had a small activity at the church for Christmas, then we had a few more appointments. We watched “Joy to the World” a few times. A lot of people here think that we do not celebrate Christmas.
In church on Sunday we gave talks and the December Ensign that you sent came in handy. Thanks for sending it. That was basically my talk. I asked my companion if he understood it and he said yes. I felt pretty good until I realized that I had read most of it from the Ensign.
When I opened the two packages I felt the love rush out. I also got some dearelder letters and other stuff like the paper for voting. I got Paige’s announcement, I didn’t have a clue that she was getting married or was even close to that age. That was a big shocker!. (Paige is Derek’s cousin that is his age)
Sending love from Peru, Love Elder Hyde, talk to you Thursday
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I Am Trying To Be Like Jesus December 15, 2008
Christmas in Peru December 15, 2008
This Friday is our dinner with President Perez. The office has two packages and they should bring them that night. I am so excited to get them!! Now that we have a fridge, I can put the homemade candy in it and eat them the way I love them.
Teaching December 15, 2008
This week we have started to proselyte early in the day so we have had quite a few lessons.
On Thursday a return missionary from our ward came to our house. He is so trunky, he wanted to be back on the mission. We told him he could go out with us the next day. He didn’t show up though. It was raining hard that day. We had another work visit and I was senior companion again. It was ok, but we didn’t teach too many lessons.
Try Playing Football With a Soccer Ball Study and Learn December 15, 2008
Tuesday we went to a different dentist for my companion and he said that he only had seven cavities. I think the other dentist just wanted money. On Saturday He had one tooth fixed and another taken out. The dentist told him to rest. We spent all day at home. I didn’t feel very good sleeping so I studied and learned. I am studying the Book of Mormon. Holy crap I wish I would have been better at studying before the mission. I have learned a lot. I read three verses in Alma 43:19-21 and learned so much, it is amazing.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Phone Call on Christmas Day... December 15, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The new temple in Peru becomes the third temple in South America now in the planning and construction phases, along with ones planned for Manaus, Brazil, and Córdoba, Argentina, bringing the total number of temples in South America to 17.
“We are confident that this will be a blessing to the many faithful Saints in this and surrounding areas who have had to travel long distances to enjoy the blessings of the temple,” said the First Presidency in an announcement letter to ecclesiastical leaders.
“We commend the Saints for their devotion and faithfulness, and are thankful for the blessings that will come to them through the construction of this new temple.”
To members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, temples are the “house of the Lord,” the most sacred place on earth. Temple services bind families together forever, teach the purpose of life and explain God’s plan of salvation. Temple attendance strengthens Latter-day Saints’ commitment to living Christian principles, emphasizes personal spiritual growth and increases devotion to family.
The Trujillo Peru Temple is planned for construction on the site of an existing meetinghouse on Teodoro Valcárcel Street in Urbanización Primavera, Trujillo. It will serve more than 88,000 Latter-day Saints in the region.
Latter-day Saint missionaries began preaching in Trujillo in 1960. The first baptisms in the original Trujillo Branch — a small congregation, then part of the Andes Mission — were performed in February 1961. In 1963 the first meetinghouse was dedicated in Trujillo. The first stake in Trujillo (a stake is similar to a diocese) was eventually organized in January 1978 by Thomas S. Monson, then a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles — the second-highest governing body of the Church. President Monson now serves as worldwide leader of the Church.
Latter-day Saint temples differ from the tens of thousands of meetinghouses where members typically meet for Sunday worship services and midweek social activities and where visitors are always welcome. Temples are used solely for the performance of sacred ordinances and religious instruction aimed at strengthening members’ relationships with God and their fellow man. They are closed to the public after they are dedicated.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Ice Cream, Coconut, Pizza With Mango and Pineapple, Shrimp December 8, 2008
Monday: We went to a nearby stadium and played soccer, It was fun and I am better than I remember being. After that we went to the zone leaders house and as a district bought 10 liters of ice cream, it was delicious.
Tuesday: We had district meeting, that we have every week. At lunch we saw some coconut trees and asked the family where we could get some. There was a lady down the street that sells them. So after lunch we went to get some. We had to retrieve them from the tree. There is a rule though that says we can’t climb trees. So we had the member that we ate with do it for us.
Wednesday: We had another work visit but this time I went to a different area. It was fun, I got to meet more people.
Thursday: The past couple weeks my comp has been having tooth problems and so he called Sister Perez and told her and she told him to go to the dentist. So we went and turns out he has 15 cavities and 2 others that really are bad. That is not the bad part. They want 750 soles to fix it. I don’t really believe that he has 15 I think they are trying to take advantage of him.
We had a FHE with a future elder. We watched “The Testaments”. He bought a pizza. To answer your question from last week, the pizza here is different, but is still good. We had a Hawaiian pizza and it had mangoes and pineapple, it was delicious.
Friday: We had a bowl of soup for lunch and while I was eating I found two big shrimp in it. It freaked me out but I ate them. It wasn’t bad but I don’t care for shrimp.
I guess the mission doesn’t want us to have pensions anymore so they are getting us fridges and microwaves and stuff like that. Today we received the fridge. It felt like an early Christmas
Saturday: I was thinking about Christmas today and got a little bummed because here it does not feel like Christmas. It doesn’t even feel like December.
Sunday: We were able to go to the First Presidency’s Christmas Devotional and it was really awesome. I had the choice to watch it in Spanish or in English. I chose Spanish because I want to increase my Spanish speaking and listening skills. I think Elder Uchtdorf was talking directly to me. He said one phrase that hit me. He said something like this. “The most memorable Christmases were the ones with the most humility”. I think this is going to be one of the most humble Christmases that I will have. I will make it the best for others and by doing that it will be the best for me too. Last night was the bomb. It was awesome. I really enjoyed all the talks. I really enjoyed what I understood of President Monson’s talk, He said that Christmas is a good time to think of Jesus but we should think of him more during the year and throughout every day.
Well that was my week. love you guys tons love Elder Hyde
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Miscellaneous things from Pucallpa December 1, 2008
We have a ward and the people are really nice, there are two families that invite us to family home evening and they invite investigators.
The mission pays to get us drinking water. A lot of people don’t drink water, they drink soda. That is why they don’t have teeth.
One of our family traditions is to go to “Forgotten Carols” by Michael McLean. Derek had asked what day we were going. This is his response “I know you will have a good time tonight. I will probably be listening to the Forgotten Carols on my mp3 player". Love you tons, Elder Hyde
Another Week In The Jungle December 1, 2008
Here’s a cool story about the GONZALEZ family, the family that came to church. This family is prepared! This week we visited them and they listened, asked questions and know that it is true. The husband had very little work before we met them, after he came to the church his work started to pick up a bit. That is one of their blessings of going to church. Since we have been teaching them they say there is a different feeling in their house. Right now we are trying to help them get married and then they can be baptized. This family was ready to hear the gospel.
Wednesday we taught a lot of lessons. Nothing too exciting happened.
Thursday we went and visited some other elders for a while, we stopped in a gas station to get some change and we bought a mountain dew. The cost was outrageous, it was 4.5 soles, I think about two dollars. This was for a can not a bottle. It was good though. The rest of the day we walked around trying to help me get to know the area, because on Friday we have mini switches and I have to be the senior companion in the area.
Friday the mini switch or we call it here a work visit went really good. It was better than I thought it would be, we taught a few lessons that we had planned, then we found some new people to teach.
Saturday was a day of ANIMALS. I held a parrot looking bird and got a picture with it. We went to LUNCE (his pensionita?), lo and behold, they had a BABY MONKEY. After we ate I played with it for a few minutes. It was really cool, I have video of it. I was really tired that day too because I only got like three hours of sleep. I think the reason was that we have to sleep with mosquito nets. They don’t circulate air very well so it was really HOT. I have fixed the problem now and have slept better.
Sunday was a good day! The attendance in sacrament meeting here has been going down dramatically. We are not sure why. One reason may be that a lot of people have DENGAY, or are really sick. We went and visited some families and our investigators. One family gave us popcorn. I love the popcorn here. I loved the popcorn that you sent me also.
Today we are going to a stadium and playing soccer as a zone. We will probably catch up on some zzzzzzzzzzzzzs.
Monday, November 24, 2008
In The Jungle, The Mighty Jungle..........November 24,2008
Elder Layton was in the same plane and he is in the same district. He even has the same pensionista.
I loved the package from home. I finished off the M&Ms and popcorn on Wednesday before I left Collique. The popcorn was excellent. I loved it. One reason we had a microwave in that area is because we didn’t have a pension. We cooked our own food. We also had a rice cooker. Towards the end of the change we found a pension and they cooked dinner for us. We still made our own breakfast. A few things that they made us were weird, like cow intestines and fish with the scales still on it. That was in Collique.
Here the Pensionista is the bomb. We have had nothing but good food. But I didn’t say it wasn’t weird. We have had alligator. It was really good, it tasted better than some of the chicken I have had here. That is the weirdest thing that I have eaten.
My new companion is Elder Torrejan. He is from Bolivia, Santa Cruz. He is really funny. It is funny to hear him try to speak English. One night we had a salamander in our room , we caught it then in got loose in Elder Torrejan’s hand, he freaked out. The best part is that I got it all on video. It was awesome.
The language here is not much different, they just talk different it is like they are singing. It may actually be a little easier to understand.
I love you tons,
Elder Hyde
Monday, November 17, 2008
Jungle Here I Come, Make Room for Elder Hyde November 17, 2008
Monday our zone played soccer and had a lot of fun. I got my hair cut and then we cleaned our house for the rest of the day. We had inspections the next day.
On Tuesday we had interviews and the assistants talked to us for a while. It was good. We worked the rest of the day, nothing exciting happened.
Wednesday we were talking to a guy that we were contacting.
We were pretty much arguing because he was saying that all churches have something wrong with them. Elder Maldonado wanted to prove him wrong, after about 45 minutes I reached my hand up to him, said thanks for you time and started walking off. My companion had no option but to follow. Elder Maldonado said thanks for helping to get him out of that situation. After stuff like that I just feel so spiritually drained.
We talked to another young man in the Miguel family that wants to get baptized, so now that is five in this family. We will baptize two this week, well I won’t but my companion will. They are a really good family.
Thursday we went to an appointment and the lady was there, she opened the door and asked us to hold on one minute. A minute later she came back with her bible in hand. My first thought was that she was ready to bash. We taught her the first lesson and then she started asking questions. One was “Why can’t women hold the Priesthood” and another, “Where did black people come from if God created one race.”
Friday I got your package and did a lot of work. I have already eaten one bag of the M&M’s and the Swedish fish, I love the picture of Alden and I have read one of the talks. Thanks I love it. I can’t wait for the next package.
Saturday we did service again and if you want to send me some gloves I will probably use them in a future service project.
Sunday was another normal Sunday. They asked the missionaries to help pass the sacrament. It was a good week.
Funny language story….I was trying to make a contact and I wanted to say “have you talked with missionaries like us before.” But I said “Have you talked with us like us before”. My mind was working faster than my tongue.
Tell Michael Drago and Logan Child that the eagle projects sound cool. Tell them great job and congrats for me.
Tell everyone hello from me.
Sending my love from Peru to you. love Elder Hyde.
Next time I send love it will be from the jungle.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Teaching Families November 10, 2008
We are teaching a young man named Gabriel Alejandro, he also has a baptism date for November 22nd.
Food I Ate This Week November 10, 2008

Children's Primary Program November 10, 2008
Power of the Priesthood and Hard Work November 10, 2008
Saturday we did service. We are digging trenches for water pipes. It is difficult, we are digging straight rock with a little bit of dirt in between. It is hard work, but it is good because we are helping some recent converts.
Dog Bites? Kid Bites?? November 10, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
The Temple is amazing November 10, 2008

The temple was amazing. Like always, I understood most of what was going on, but the guy helping me at the end kind of just mumbled so I didn’t understand to much of that. I made it through and it is a beautiful temple. They actually had carpet, it felt so good on my feet.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Teaching Young Women and Earthquakes November 3 2008
We had another earthquake this week. We were walking and didn’t feel it, we heard it and saw everybody running out of their houses. I thought it was funny because it didn’t seem bad. Peru has earthquakes every few weeks. I have felt three earthquakes.
Holloween 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tuve Me Primero Bautismo------------October 25, 2008
It was weird,(interesting) we had met Milagros Grados on the street one time and I guess she was investigator pior to us meeting her. We invited her to church and stopped by her house a few times. At first it didn’t sound like she wanted to change. But come last Sunday she showed up at church and after Sunday school she said, “I want to get baptized”.
She had an interview with the bishop on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday we went over the lessons with her. She passed her interview on Friday. She was baptized Saturday then confirmed on Sunday.
Milagros Grados was my first baptism. Saturday my comp said ”Hey, your going to be doing the baptism today, get your stuff ready.” I freaked a little ‘cause I didn’t know the prayer in Spanish. Throughout the day I tried to memorize it. It went ok, I was so worried about saying her four names that I forgot how the first part of the prayer went. The other elders were there to help, so that was good.
Elder Seanz and Elder Morton had four baptisms that day too, we did them all together. It was a good week
Stupid Stealth Dogs October 24,2008
Yesterday my comp got bit, not bad, but I am sure it still does not feel good.
The other one happened to a little kid, we were walking with his family. This kid was walking on the wanna-be sidewalk and he walked past a dog that had puppies. The dog freaked out and put its front paws on the kid’s shoulders and bit him on the side of the face, his cheek and ear. My companion ran over and kicked the dog really hard in the stomach. The wound looked bad and was bleeding. I felt really bad and I was not sure what to do.
Some dogs are dumb and some are chilled. I have tried the no eye contact, it usually works. Some dogs we call stealth dogs. They don’t bark or anything as you go past but they sneak up on you as you walk away and attack. That is how elder Maldonado got bit. Stupid stealth dogs.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Elder Christofferson and President Costa


Iffy Chicken
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
My week October 20, 2008
I am reading “Jesus the Christ”, it is an awesome book. It is so interesting.
Our apartment is one of the nicest that I have been in so far. We have tile floors.
We have a shower head that is suppose to heat up the water, but it is broken. While I am in this apartment I will be taking cold showers. Our roof leaks when it rains. It is not really a rain though it is a mist.
They give us three big bottle of purified water that last a change. (6weeks) I buy a lot of crush pop, they don’t really sell water. When we eat at members houses I can’t ask what we are eating because I probably won’t understand what they say.
When we asked Derek how he was doing with Spanish he replied,” Mas O Menos” It’s ok, but I speak really simple and can’t really speak my mind. It is getting easier though. One time I was teaching a woman, I got the feeling she did not understand what I was saying.
Today (P Day) we are going to be playing sports at the church and having a barbeque with the other elders in our zone. I am excited.
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Weather, The Haircutand The Earthquake October 13, 2008
That is awesome that Luke Hobbs is going to Guatemala City. Tell Brad Lloyd (going to Louisville Kentucky in Jan.) good luck and he is going to make a great missionary.
Kevin and Brian are the names of the young men that went to general conference with us. We go to a lot of less active member’s homes. We have a lot here. We do a lot of street contacting. We have a goal of contacting 20 people a day. We don’t really know on to many doors, maybe a few. We have district and zone meetings every Tuesday.
The weather is perfect. The weird thing is everybody asks me “A tiene frio? Do you have a cold? They are all wearing sweaters and stuff, I am in short sleeves. I just think of the snow that you guys have and I am all warm.
Funny Story
Friday we went and got a haircut. The first one in two months, yeah I felt a little apostate. I had gel in my hair and the lady didn’t put water on it. she cut it so it would still have to be a comb over. That probably doesn’t make sense so to make it a short story, one side of my hair is longer than the other. I have a crazy cool picture. It is not bad but I do have to keep the part down the side.
I felt my first earthquake. It happened last Monday. It was not bad.
We eat lunch at member’s homes and we fix our own dinner and breakfast. We mostly eat rice, chicken and bean. I have not gotten real sick, I have been a little sick from adjusting to the food but that is about it. I did eat some cow’s feet. It was weird and not very good. That day my stomach was the worst, so I didn’t eat a whole lot.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I am in Peru October 6 email

My first week in Peru has been AMAZING. I am in an area call COLLIQUE. It is cold in the morning when I wake up but throughout the day it is warm. The showers are freezing it will take some time to get used to.
I don’t know if it was culture shock or if I am just excited to be here, but Tuesday, my first day here, I was just amazed at everything.
My companion is Elder Maldonado and he is from Lima Peru. I think he said house is just a few blocks from the mission offices, that would be in the central mission. He does not speak any English.
I have seen a lot of the missionaries that I was in the Provo MTC with. I saw Elder Ridge and Elder Layton at a multi-zone meeting.
Surprisingly, I have eaten mostly rice, beans and chicken. The weirdest thing is the soup. They cook the chicken in the soup and don’t take it off the bones. Se when they give you the soup they give you bones and EVERYTHING! It is kinda weird tasting soup but I really like the noodles.
We are teaching a few families and a few teenagers. A couple of them went with us to conference on Sunday. They didn’t pay as much attention to conference as I had hoped. It was kinda hard for me. I will need you to send me a copy of the Ensign in English, because I had to listen in Spanish and got the most of what they said, but not all of it. It would be nice to read it.
I am grateful for all of you guys and your support. I am grateful to be here in Peru.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I Am Leaving...On a Jet Plane... September 29, 2008

September 24, 2008
During our zone conference yesterday the president pointed me out to everyone and told them that I would be going to Peru. I will be excited to go to Peru. We were taught how to become better happier missionaries.
Chicago--Fun On P Day September 2008
Chicago Baptism September 2008
We rode our bikes seven miles to get to a baptism today. It was a good thing that we took extra clothes because it was pouring rain and we were soaked. The baptism was amazing because the spirit was so strong. We rode back seven miles again in the rain, and that was all before noon.
The familia de Jesus was on of our favorite families to visit. The fed a a great dinner. This is making really excited to get to the jungles in Peru. Now all I need is a monkey. We did not eat much with ward members. When we did it was very delicious. My favorite was a vegetable soup another was rice and meat.
Chicago--Knocking On Doors-- September 2008
One experience that happened to on September 9th,
She sat down on the porch and we taught a very brief first lesson. We got her information and we will give it to the English elders. I thought it was a little strange that she just sat down and wanted to listen. We don’t get a whole lot of those.
Elder Hyde knocking on a really small door.
Chicago-- About My Companion-- September 10 2008
One good thing about my companion is that he went to the MTC to learn English. In this mission we speak both English and Spanish. Right now we only teach in Spanish, so when we get someone that wants to listen in
Friday, September 26, 2008
Flight Plans September 26, 2008
This Week at a Glance September 24,2008

We have a couple that really liked what we taught. They even told us that they liked it. For them it is going to be a long hard road, because they smoke and drink and work on Sunday. It probably won’t be easy but in the long run it is worth it.
Tuesday (Sept 23) We had zone conference and the missionaries that I served with before were there it was cool to see them. It was really good, we learned how to become better, happier and more successful. We were taught how to work with ward members.
We had dinner with the familia de Jesus again. It was really good, they are an awesome family, very excited about missionary work.
One thing that I would challenge Alden and Dad and anyone that can, to take the opportunity to go out with the full time missionaries, DO IT! It really helps them.
Derek sends his love to all of you.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Opposition In All Things September 17,2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Navy Pier Chicago Illinios September 17, 2008

P Day September 17 2008

Today we went to the Hancock Building. We went to the 96th floor. (The Hanckock Building has 100 floors but is not the tallest building in Chicago) The elevator ride was really fast, it took like ten seconds. We took a lot of pictures. There was a restaurant/bar we went in and some of the other missionaries in our district were going to order food, however the waitress came over and asked for some ID to make sure were were over 21. We were like WHAT? WHY? Isn't this a restaurant? They said no this is a bar and the restaurant is on the floor below and it is closed. So today I got kick out of a bar, SWEET huh!
Friday, September 19, 2008
We love emails!! Derek's email from Sept. 17.

A Week of Up's and Down's
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Derek's Email-September 10

Transfer to Spanish Speaking Area
"Wednesday was transfers like I told you in my email. I have been put in a Spanish area with a companion from El Salvador. Se llama Elder Mejia. We have bikes and so Wednesday we had to go to the store and get groceries and bring them back on the bike. It was hard but we made it. All of the food made it too.

Derek's First Week in the Field
Sunday was my first Sunday out in the field and guess what? I had to give a five minute talk on missionary work.
Monday we went tracting and had a meeting with the district. There were eight of us I think in the district.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Transfer Day!!
"Hey! I don’t have a lot of time, I will be sending a letter home tonight telling of some great experiences I have had and lots of other good stuff. Today was transfers and it has been kind of hectic because I have been moved to a different area and have a new comp that is from El Salvador. He speaks a little English but not a whole lot. I have learned today that I really don’t know a whole lot of Spanish. Oh well, this will be a good experience-I hope."
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Letter From Mission President September 2, 2008

Here are a few excerpts from the letter that we received:
"This is to inform you that your son arrived safely in the Illinois Chicago North Mission. We hope you enjoy the enclosed picture that was taken during a meeting with your son and his trainer companion who is Elder Brian Joseph Williams. They will be serving in the Gurnee 2 area of Illinois."
"Please write to him each week and encourage him to be diligent. We suggest that all your letters be positive, upbeat and spiritual."
Derek's Address is Illinois Chicago North Mission
3295 North Arlington heights Road Ste 108
Arlington Heights IL 60004
"The motto for our mission is "I will go and do" or in Spanish "Iye' y hare." (What a coincidence, that is what we used at the top of this page without knowing) This comes from 1 Nephi 3:7 and describes a perfect combination of faith and obedience that we, as missionaries in the Illinois Chicago North Mission, hope to emulate. As your son comes to realize the importance of this great work through his dedication and service, we know that the time spent here and the experiences that he has will be a great blessing for him and will make a difference in his life for years to come."
Signed by President William H. Stoddard
Thursday, August 28, 2008
1st Letter from Chicago!!! Yeah!

Derek's Been REASSIGNED!!

Delayed, Delayed, and Delayed Some More
July 9, 2008
"Next Wednesday we fly out, YEAH. Friday we got our flight plan. We fly out the 16th at 1:10 we go to Dallas. Leave Dallas at 6:50 to Miami, leave Miami at 11:45 p.m. and get to Peru at 4:15 in the morning. That is a lot of flying but I do get to call home I am sure. There are 9 of us flying to Peru that day."
July 16, 2008
"I don't know if you got my message on the phone Monday, I will try and call you again today. My visa is delayed so hopefully it will come and I will leave next week."
July 23, 2008
"Sorry to get your hopes up, this morning we went to the temple, and so we didn't do emails this morning. I am still here in Provo, our visas haven't come yet.. . . I am a little bummed that I am not gone yet but I am enjoying myself, I am just ready to be in Peru."
July 30, 2008
"I guess the reason we were delayed was there was a document problem or something and last Friday they got it taken care of so hopefully some time soon they will send us out. I think I will be in the CCM in Peru for the remainder of the 9 weeks."
August 20, 2008
"The temple was excellent like always, today was the last time that I will be able to go with my district. They are leaving me next week. Some are leaving Monday and some are leaving on Wednesday. They are way excited. I have not really heard a lot about my visa. I am just waiting to hear. I know that you want me to go there everyday but I don't really see the point. Sorry. Most the time we just get the same answer that we will see on the 28th."
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Playing Catch Up
July 23, 2008
"Today I got my hair cut. She asked me if short was okay and I said ya. I just didn't know short meant SHORT. It's not bad but it is shorter than it's been in a long time. Nobody cuts hair like you Mom."
August 13, 2008
"This morning we went to the temple and went through a session. It is always good to start out the day at the temple."
"It is really fun singing in Spanish, but it is kinda wierd too. I bought a childrens song book so I could sing along with my IPOD. I really like to sing, I don't know why. We go to choir every week, I really enjoy myself."
Here is the rest of Derek's MTC pictures:
(You can click on the window to see the pics bigger)
Missionaries Still Know How to Have Fun!!

This is one of Derek's fellow missionaries, Elder Jumper climbing the wall.

Derek explained this picture and "The Power" that comes with missionary work!
New Companion--Elder Miller June 30, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
First Day and Letter from MTC June 25, 2008
